Revista Latino Americana de Probabilidad y estadística
Politica Editorial
Comité Editorial
 Presentacion de Articulos 
Espejo    Idioma

formato de Alea
ISSN 1980-0436


Volume I

Conditional Association and Spin Systems
Thomas M. Liggett

Flows associated to Tanaka's SDE
Yves Le Jan & Olivier Raimond

Recurrence of simple random walk on ℤ2 is dynamically sensitive
Christopher Hoffman

Two families of improper stochastic integrals with respect to Lévy processes
Ken-iti Sato

Percolating paths through random points
David J. Aldous & Maxim Krikun

Ballistic random walk in a random environment with a forbidden

Firas Rassoul-Agha & Timo Seppäläinen

The localized phase of disordered copolymers with adsorption
Giambattista Giacomin & Fabio Lucio Toninelli

Genetic Genealogical Models in Rare Event Analysis
Frédéric Cérou, Pierre Del Moral, François LeGland
& Pascal Lezaud

Random Walk in Dynamic Markovian Random Environment
Antar Bandyopadhyay & Ofer Zeitouni

Wiener integrals for centered Bessel and related processes, II
Tadahisa Funaki, Yuu Hariya & Marc Yor

Combinatorial aspects of matrix models
Alice Guionnet & Edouard Maurel-Segala

Spatial birth and death processes as solutions of stochastic equations
Nancy L. Garcia & Thomas G. Kurtz

Diffusive variance for a tagged particle in
d<3 asymmetric simple exclusion

Sunder Sethuraman

Convergence of the Tóth lattice filling curve to the
Tóth-Werner plane filling curve

Charles M. Newman & Krishnamurthi Ravishankar

Congruence properties of depths in some random trees
Svante Janson

On uniqueness of the Euler limit of one-component lattice gas models
József Fritz & Katalin Nagy

The Hausdorff measure of stable trees
Thomas Duquesne & Jean-François Le Gall