Revue Latino-Américaine de Probabilités et Statistiques
Politique Éditoriale
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ISSN 1980-0436


Volume XVI

A probabilistic approach to block
sizes in random maps

Louigi Addario-Berry
pages 1-13

On the semimartingale property of Brownian
bridges on complete manifolds

Batu Güneysu
pages 15-31

Subdiffusivity of Brownian Motion among
a Poissonian Field of Moving Traps

Mehmet Öz
pages 33-47

The survival probability of the high-dimensional
contact process with random vertex weights
on the oriented lattice

Xiaofeng Xue
pages 49-83

Weak convergence on Wiener space:
targeting the first two chaoses

Christian Krein
pages 85-139

Limit theorems for random simplices
in high dimensions

Julian Grote, Zakhar Kabluchko & Christoph Thäle
pages 141-177

Martingales and some generalizations arising from
the supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model

Margherita Disertori, Franz Merkl & Silke W. W. Rolles
pages 179-209

A Gibbsian model for message routeing
in highly dense multihop networks

Wolfgang König & András Tóbiás
pages 211-258

New Bernstein and Hoeffding type inequalities
for regenerative Markov chains

Patrice Bertail and Gabriela Ciołek
pages 259-277

Connectivity properties of
Branching Interlacements

Eviatar B. Procaccia & Yuan Zhang
pages 279-314

A result on power moments of Lévy-type perpetuities
and its application to the Lp-convergence of
Biggins’ martingales in branching Lévy processes

Alexander Iksanov & Bastien Mallein
pages 315-331

Simply Generated Unrooted Plane Trees
Leon Ramzews & Benedikt Stufler
pages 333-359

Boundary driven Brownian gas
Lorenzo Bertini & Gustavo Posta
pages 361-388

A simple proof of a Kramers’ type law for self-stabilizing
diffusions in double-wells landscape

Julian Tugaut
pages 389-398

Local interactions promote cooperation
in cooperator-defector systems

Nicolas Lanchier
pages 399-427

Poisson percolation on the square lattice
Irina Cristali, Matthew Junge & Rick Durrett
pages 429-437

Long-memory Gaussian processes governed by
generalized Fokker-Planck equations

Luisa Beghin
pages 439-461

Connection probabilities in Poisson random
graphs with uniformly bounded edges

Alessandra Faggionato & Hlafo Alfie Mimun
pages 463-486

An optimal Berry–Esseen type theorem
for integrals of smooth functions

Lutz Mattner & Irina Shevtsova
pages 487-530

Viscosity solutions to Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman
equations associated with sublinear
Lévy(-type) processes

Franziska Kühn
pages 531-559

Inference for conditioned Galton-Watson
trees from their Harris path

Romain Azaïs, Alexandre Genadot & Benoit Henry
pages 561-604

Quadratic fluctuations of
the symmetric simple exclusion

Patrícia Gonçalves & Milton Jara
pages 605-632

Berry-Esséen bounds for parameter estimation
of general Gaussian processes

Soukaina Douissi, Khalifa Es-Sebaiy & Frederi G. Viens
pages 633-664

The first exit problem of reaction-diffusion equations
for small multiplicative Lévy noise

Michael Anton Högele
pages 665-709

How sharp are classical approximations
for statistical applications?

Jean-Marc Azaïs & Stéphane Mourareau
pages 711-728

Functional convergence for moving averages
with heavy tails and random coefficients

Danijel Krizmanić
pages 729-757

Trajectories in random minimal
transposition factorizations

Valentin Féray & Igor Kortchemski
pages 759-785

A construction of the Stable Web
Thomas Mountford, Krishnamurthi Ravishankar & Glauco Valle
pages 787-807

Order of fluctuations of the free energy
in the SK model at critical temperature

Wei-Kuo Chen & Wai-Kit Lam
pages 809-816

Local limit theorems and mod-φ convergence
Martina Dal Borgo, Pierre-Loïc Méliot & Ashkan Nikeghbali
pages 817-853

Cone exponents of Brownian motions
with particular drifts

Izumi Okada
pages 855-870

Poisson statistics at the edge of Gaussian
β-ensemble at high temperature

Cambyse Pakzad
pages 871-897


Numéro 2

Generalized Divide and Color Models
Jeffrey E. Steif & Johan Tykesson
pages 899-955

Fast-reaction limit for Glauber-Kawasaki
dynamics with two components

A. De Masi, T. Funaki, E. Presutti & M. E. Vares
pages 957-976

Subordinators which are infinitely divisible w.r.t. time:
Construction, properties, and simulation of max-stable
sequences and infinitely divisible laws

Jan-Frederik Mai & Matthias Scherer
pages 977-1005

Visibility in the vacant set of the Brownian
interlacements and the Brownian excursion process

Olof Elias & Johan Tykesson
pages 1007-1028

Coalescing directed random walks on the backbone
of a 1 + 1-dimensional oriented percolation cluster
converge to the Brownian web

Matthias Birkner, Nina Gantert & Sebastian Steiber
pages 1029-1054

On a gateway between the Laguerre
process and dynamics on partitions

Theodoros Assiotis
pages 1055-1076

The upper threshold in ballistic annihilation
Debbie Burdinski, Shrey Gupta & Matthew Junge
pages 1077-1087

Metastable behavior of bootstrap
percolation on Galton-Watson trees

Assaf Shapira
pages 1089-1104

Fractional iterated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes
Juan Kalemkerian & José Rafael León
pages 1105-1128

Exponent for sets of frequently visited points of
a simple random walk in two dimensions

Izumi Okada
pages 1129-1140

Longest increasing paths with gaps
Anne-Laure Basdevant & Lucas Gerin
pages 1141-1163

Random cover times using
the Poisson cylinder process

Erik I. Broman & Filipe Mussini
pages 1165-1199

On equalities of sigma-finite measures constructed
from discrete recurrent Markov chains

Joseph Najnudel & Ju-Yi Yen
pages 1201-1211

Regularity of biased 1D random walks
in random environment

Alessandra Faggionato & Michele Salvi
pages 1213-1248