Revue Latino-Américaine de Probabilités et Statistiques
Politique Éditoriale
Comité Éditorial
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formato de Alea
ISSN 1980-0436


Volume XVIII

Convergence of the Fleming-Viot process toward
the minimal quasi-stationary distribution

Nicolas Champagnat & Denis Villemonais
pages 1-15

General Contact Process with Rapid Stirring
Leonid Mytnik & Segev Shlomov
pages 17-33

Noncommutative analogues of the Law of Small
Numbers for random variables indexed by elements
of positive symmetric cones

Lahcen Oussi & Janusz Wysoczański
pages 35-67

Continuity of Zero-Hitting Times of Bessel Processes
and Welding Homeomorphisms of SLE_k

Dmitry Beliaev, Vlad Margarint & Atul Shekhar
pages 69-79

Cross-multiplicative coalescent processes
and applications

Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Peter T. Otto & Anatoly Yambartsev
pages 81-106

Hydrodynamic limit for a diffusive system
with boundary conditions

Stefano Marchesani
pages 107-127

Non universality of fluctuations of outlier
eigenvectors for block diagonal deformations
of Wigner matrices

Mireille Capitaine & Catherine Donati-Martin
pages 129-165

Simulations for Karlin random fields
Zuopeng Fu & Yizao Wang
pages 167-192

A stochastic Gronwall lemma and well-posedness of
path-dependent SDEs driven by martingale noise

Sima Mehri & Michael Scheutzow
pages 193-209

On the Passage Time Geometry of the
Last Passage Percolation Problem

Tom Alberts & Eric Cator
pages 211-247

Moderate Deviation estimates for Nodal Lengths
of Random Spherical Harmonics

Claudio Macci, Maurizia Rossi & Anna Paola Todino
pages 249-263

Percolation for the Finitary Random interlacements
of Random Spherical Harmonics

Eviatar B. Procaccia, Jiayan Ye & Yuan Zhang
pages 265-287

Critical parameters for loop
and Bernoulli percolation

Peter Mühlbacher
pages 289-308

Differentiability of semigroups of stochastic
differential equations with Hölder-continuous
diffusion coefficients

Martin Hutzenthaler & Daniel Pieper
pages 309-324

The partial duplication random graph
with edge deletion

Felix Hermann & Peter Pfaffelhuber
pages 325-347

Counting excursions: symmetries, knock-ins and
non-linear formula for Itô-McKean diffusions

Maciej Wiśniewolski
pages 349-377

On 3-dimensional Berry’s model
Federico Dalmao, Anne Estrade & José R. León
pages 379-399

Mixing properties of integer-valued
GARCH processes

Paul Doukhan, Naushad Mamode Khan & Michael H. Neumann
pages 401-420

Quasi-Stationary Distributions for the Voter Model
on Complete Bipartite Graphs

Iddo Ben-Ari, Hugo Panzo, Philip Speegle & R. Oliver VandenBerg
pages 421-437

Rhythmic behavior of an Ising Model
with dissipation at low temperature

Raphaël Cerf, Paolo Dai Pra, Marco Formentin & Daniele Tovazzi
pages 439-467

Emergence of homogamy in a two-loci
stochastic population model

Camille Coron, Manon Costa, Fabien Laroche,
Hélène Leman & Charline Smadi

pages 469-508

Asymptotic Word Length of Random Walks
on HNN Extensions

Lorenz A. Gilch
pages 509-545

The Effect of Recombination
on the Speed of Evolution

Nantawat Udomchatpitak
pages 547-616

A Doob-Meyer decomposition under model
ambiguity: the case of compactness

Erick Treviño-Aguilar
pages 617-634

Branching Processes - A General Concept
Andreas Greven, Thomas Rippl & Patrick Glöede
pages 635-706

Phase transitions for degenerate
random environments

Mark Holmes & Thomas S. Salisbury
pages 707-725

Hitting probabilities for Lévy processes
on the real line

Tomasz Grzywny, Łukasz Leżaj & Maciej Miśta
pages 727-760

BSDEs with jumps and two completely separated
irregular barriers in a general filtration

Mohamed Marzougue & Mohamed El Otmani
pages 761-792

Limit theorems for U-statistics of Bernoulli data
Davide Giraudo
pages 793-828

On the speed of distance-stationary sequences
Matías Carrasco, Pablo Lessa & Elliot Paquette
pages 829-854

Modified log-Sobolev inequalities and
two-level concentration

Holger Sambale & Arthur Sinulis
pages 855-885

Rényi entropy and pattern matching for run-length
encoded sequences

Jérôme Rousseau
pages 887-905

Spatial averages for the parabolic Anderson model
driven by rough noise

David Nualart, Xiaoming Song & Guangqu Zheng
pages 907-943

Ballistic random walks in random environment as
rough paths: convergence and area anomaly

Olga Lopusanschi & Tal Orenshtein
pages 945-962

Ergodicity of the KPZ Fixed Point
Leandro P. R. Pimentel
pages 963-983

Total variation cutoff for the flip-transpose top
with random shuffle

Subhajit Ghosh
pages 985-1006

On the affine recursion on Rd+ in the critical case
Sara Brofferio, Marc Peigné & Thi Da Cam Pham
pages 1007-1028


Numéro 2

On combining the zero bias transform and the empirical
characteristic function to test normality

Bruno Ebner
pages 1029-1045

A note on the universality of ESDs
of inhomogeneous random matrices

Vishesh Jain & Sandeep Silwal
pages 1047-1059

On the percolative properties of the intersection
of two independent interlacements

Zijie Zhuang
pages 1061-1084

A CLT for a class of stochastic integrals
with application in statistics

Johanna Garzón, Jaime San Martín & Soledad Torres
pages 1085-1102

Contraction principle for trajectories of random walks
and Cramér’s theorem for kernel-weighted sums

Vladislav Vysotsky
pages 1103-1125

Fluctuations of nodal sets on the 3-torus
and general cancellation phenomena

Massimo Notarnicola
pages 1127-1194

The rate of convergence of the block counting process
of exchangeable coalescents with dust

Martin Möhle
pages 1195-1220

On the local limit theorems for psi-mixing Markov chains
Florence Merlevède, Magda Peligrad & Costel Peligrad
pages 1221-1239

Convoluted Fractional Poisson Process
Kuldeep Kumar Kataria & Mostafizar Khandakar
pages 1241-1265

Stochastic integration in Hilbert spaces with
respect to cylindrical martingale-valued measures

Anddy E. Alvarado-Solano & Christian A. Fonseca-Mora
pages 1267-1295

Long Time Asymptotics of Heat Kernels and Brownian
Winding Numbers on Manifolds with Boundary

Xi Geng & Gautam Iyer
pages 1297-1323

A general stochastic matching model on multigraphs
Jocelyn Begeot, Irène Marcovici, Pascal Moyal & Youssef Rahme
pages 1325-1351

On distance covariance in metric and Hilbert spaces
Svante Janson
pages 1353-1393

A new look at the interfaces in percolation
Raphaël Cerf & Wei Zhou
pages 1395-1439

Glauber dynamics for Ising models on random
regular graphs: cut-off and metastability

Van Hao Can, Remco van der Hofstad & Takashi Kumagai
pages 1441-1482

Site Frequency Spectrum of the
Bolthausen-Sznitman Coalescent

Götz Kersting, Arno Siri-Jégousse & Alejandro H. Wences
pages 1483-1505

Random walk on the self-avoiding tree
Cong Bang Huynh
pages 1507-1515

The giant component of the directed
configuration model revisited

Xing Shi Cai & Guillem Perarnau
pages 1517-1528

Stationary Harmonic Measure as the Scaling Limit
of Truncated Harmonic Measure

Eviatar B. Procaccia, Jiayan Ye & Yuan Zhang
pages 1529-1560

Where to stand when playing darts?
Björn G. Franzén, Jeffrey E. Steif & Johan Wästlund
pages 1561-1583

Tree convolution for probability distributions
with unbounded support

Ethan Davis, David Jekel & Zhichao Wang
pages 1585-1623

Limit behavior for Wishart matrices
with Skorohod integrals

Charles-Philippe Diez & Ciprian A. Tudor
pages 1625-1641

Consistency, integrability and asymptotic normality
for some intermittent estimators

Gusztáv Morvai & Benjamin Weiss
pages 1643-1667

Geometric and Martin boundaries
of a Cartan-Hadamard surface

Robert W. Neel
pages 1669-1687

Extremes of the 2d scale-inhomogeneous
discrete Gaussian free field: Extremal process
in the weakly correlated regime

Maximilian Fels & Lisa Hartung
pages 1689-1718

The geometry of the space-time Martin boundary
is different than the spatial Martin boundary

David McDonald & Jaime San Martin
pages 1719-1738

A probabilistic proof of Cooper & Frieze's
``First Visit Time Lemma''

Francesco Manzo, Matteo Quattropani & Elisabetta Scoppola
pages 1739-1758

On A Family of Isospectral Pure-Birth Processes
Laurent Miclo & Chi Zhang
pages 1759-1771

A combinatorial representation for the invariant measure
of diffusion processes on metric graphs

Michele Aleandri, Matteo Colangeli & Davide Gabrielli
pages 1773-1799

Parking on supercritical Galton-Watson trees
Riti Bahl, Philip Barnet & Matthew Junge
pages 1801-1815

Particle systems with coordination
Adrián González Casanova, Noemi Kurt & András Tóbiás
pages 1817-1844

Some simple variance bounds from Stein’s method
Fraser Daly, Fatemeh Ghaderinezhad, Christophe Ley & Yvik Swan
pages 1845-1858

Extinction time of logistic branching processes
in a Brownian environment

Hélène Leman & Juan Carlos Pardo
pages 1859-1890

Extremes of the 2d scale-inhomogeneous discrete Gaussian
free field: Convergence of the maximum in the regime of
weak correlations

Maximilian Fels & Lisa Hartung
pages 1891-1930