Revista Latino-Americana de Probabilidade e Estatística
Política Editorial
Comitê Editorial
Submissão de Artigos
Espelho    Idioma

formato da Alea
ISSN 1980-0436


Volume XXI

Rates on Yaglom’s limit for Galton-Watson processes
in a varying environment

Natalia Cardona-Tobón & Arturo Jaramillo & Sandra Palau
pages 1–23

Poisson and Gaussian approximations of the power diver-
gence family of statistics

Fraser Daly
pages 25–37

On the barrier problem of branching random walk in a
time-inhomogeneous random environment

You Lv & Wenming Hong
pages 39–71

Fluctuations of random Motzkin paths II
Włodzimierz Bryc & Yizao Wang
pages 73–94

On the compensator of step processes in progressively en-
larged filtrations and related control problems

Elena Bandini & Fulvia Confortola & Paolo Di Tella
pages 95–120

The minimal quasi-stationary distribution of the absorbed
M/M/∞ queue

Elie Cerf
pages 121–128

First-passage percolation on random simple triangulations
Benedikt Stufler
pages 129–178

Optimal Rate of Convergence for Vector-valued Wiener-
Itô Integral

Huiping Chen
pages 179–214

Fluctuation bounds for first-passage percolation on the
square, tube, and torus

Michael Damron & Christian Houdré & Alperen Özdemir
pages 215–243

Quantitative bounds in the central limit theorem for m-
dependent random variables

Svante Janson & Luca Pratelli & Pietro Rigo
pages 245–265

Consistent Model Selection for the Degree Corrected Sto-
chastic Blockmodel

Andressa Cerqueira & Sandro Gallo & Florencia Leonardi & Cristel Vera
pages 267–292

Compound Poisson approximation for simple transient
random walks in random sceneries

Nicolas Chenavier & Ahmad Darwiche & Arnaud Rousselle
pages 293–306

The variance of the graph distance in the infinite cluster
of percolation is sublinear

Barbara Dembin
pages 307–320

Durrett-Levin spatial model of allelopathy
Nicolas Lanchier & Max Mercer
pages 321–343

First passage percolation for weakly correlated fields
Vivek Dewan & Damien Gayet
pages 345–367

Contradictory predictions with multiple agents
Stanisław Cichomski & Adam Osękowski
pages 369–383

Upper bounds on the fluctuations for a class of degenerate
convex ∇φ-interface models

Paul Dario
pages 385–430

Discordant edges for the voter model on regular random

Luca Avena & Rangel Baldasso & Rajat Subhra Hazra & Frank den Hollander & Matteo Quattropani
pages 431–464

Statistical Limits for Testing Correlation of Random

Mingao Yuan & Zuofeng Shang
pages 465–489

Branching Brownian motion under soft killing
Mehmet Öz
pages 491–515

Functional Gaussian approximations on Hilbert-Poisson

Solesne Bourguin & Simon Campese & Thanh Dang
pages 517–553

Conditional central limit theorem for critical branching
random walk

Wenming Hong & Shengli Liang
pages 555–574

Subtractive random forests
Nicolas Broutin & Luc Devroye & Gábor Lugosi & Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira
pages 575–591

Occupation time fluctuations of an age-dependent critical
binary branching particle system

J.A. López-Mimbela & A. Murillo-Salas & J.H. Ramírez-González
pages 593–625

Covariance inequalities for convex and log-concave func-

Michel Bonnefont & Erwan Hillion & Adrien Saumard
pages 627–660

Estimates for exponential functionals of continuous
Gaussian processes with emphasis on fractional Brownian

José Alfredo López-Mimbela & Gerardo Pérez-Suárez
pages 661–699

Directional transience of random walks in random envi-
ronments with bounded jumps

Daniel J. Slonim
pages 701–724

On a Markov chain related to the individual lengths in the
recursive construction of Kingman’s coalescent

Linglong Yuan
pages 725–739

Speed of extinction for continuous state branching
processes in subcritical Lévy environments:
the strongly and intermediate regimes

Natalia Cardona-Tobón & Juan Carlos Pardo
pages 741–766

On the Large Deviations Rate Function for Symmetric
Simple Random Walk in Dimension d ∈ Z+

Christian Beneš
pages 767–773

A note on uniform in time mean-field limit in graphs
Pierre Le Bris & Christophe Poquet
pages 775–790

Scaling limits for the random walk penalized by its range
in dimension one

Nicolas Bouchot
pages 791–813

Kinetic time-inhomogeneous Lévy-driven model
Mihai Gradinaru & Emeline Luirard
pages 815–835

Arrivals are universal in coalescing ballistic annihilation
Darío Cruzado Padró & Matthew Junge & Lily Reeves
pages 837–848

The Small-Noise Limit of the Most Likely Element is the
Most Likely Element in the Small-Noise Limit

Zachary Selk & Harsha Honnappa
pages 849–862


Fascículo 2

A martingale approach to time-dependent and time-periodic
linear response in Markov jump processes

Alessandra Faggionato & Vittoria Silvestri
pages 863–906

Cover times for random walk on dynamical percolation
Maarten Markering
pages 907–921

Lower large deviations for geometric functionals in sparse,
critical and dense regimes

Christian Hirsch & Daniel Willhalm
pages 923–962

The Coreness and H-Index of Random Geometric Graphs
Eddie Aamari & Ery Arias-Castro & Clément Berenfeld
pages 963–983

Multitype self-similar growth-fragmentation processes
William Da Silva & Juan Carlos Pardo
pages 985–1040

Interacting Edge-Reinforced Random Walks
Nina Gantert & Fabian Michel & Guilherme H. de Paula Reis
pages 1041–1072

Countable alphabet stationary processes with at least one
memory word and intermittent estimation with universal

Gusztáv Morvai & Benjamin Weiss
pages 1073–1099

Weighted discrepancy principle and optimal adaptivity in
Poisson inverse problems

Zbigniew Szkutnik
pages 1101–1122

On renewal theory for cluster processes
Bojan Basrak & Marina Dajaković
pages 1123–1143