Volume IX
Mutually Catalytic
Branching Processes and
Voter Processes with Strength of Opinion
Leif Döring & Leonid Mytnik
pages 1--51
The area of a self-similar
Jean Bertoin
pages 53--66
Connectivity properties
of random interlacement
and intersection of random walks
Balázs Ráth & Artëm Sapozhnikov
pages 67--83
Recognition of times
a walker is close to the origin
Heinrich Matzinger & Angelica Pachon Pinzon
pages 85--99
Convergence of Wigner
integrals to the tetilla law
Aurélien Deya & Ivan Nourdin
pages 101--127
Concentration inequalities
for disordered models
Frédérique Watbled
pages 129--140
The almost sure invariance
principle for unbounded
functions of expanding maps
J. Dedecker, S. Gouëzel & F. Merlevède
pages 141--163
Lyapunov exponents,
shape theorems and large
deviations for the random walk in random potential
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
pages 165--211
Covering the whole
space with Poisson random balls
Hermine Biermé & Anne Estrade
pages 213--229
Which random walks
are cyclic?
Davide Gabrielli & Carla Valente
pages 231--267
Number 2
Compact metric measure
spaces and Λ-coalescents
coming down from infinity
Holger F. Biehler & Peter Pfaffelhuber
pages 269--278
Fat fractal percolation
and k-fractal percolation
Erik I. Broman, Tim van de Brug, Federico Camia,
Matthijs Joosten & Ronald Meester
pages 279--301
Scaling limits and
aging for asymmetric trap models
on the complete graph and K processes
S. C. Bezerra, L. R. G. Fontes, R. J. Gava, V. Gayrard
& P. Mathieu
pages: 303--321
On exponential growth
for a certain class of linear systems
Ryoki Fukushima & Nobuo Yoshida
pages: 323--336
Central limit theorems
for additive functionals of ergodic
Markov diffusions processes
Patrick Cattiaux, Djalil Chafaï & Arnaud
pages 337-382
The critical value
of the Deffuant model equals one half
Nicolas Lanchier
pages 383-402
Stochastic domination
and weak convergence
of conditioned Bernoulli random vectors
Erik I. Broman, Tim van de Brug, Wouter Kager &
Ronald Meester
pages 403-434
The spectra of random
abelian $G$-circulant matrices
Mark W. Meckes
pages 435-450
Generalized Fleming-Viot
processes with
immigration via stochastic flows of partitions
Clément Foucart
pages 451-472
Optimal Berry-Esseen
rates on the Wiener space:
the barrier of third and fourth cumulants
Hermine Biermé, Aline Bonami, Ivan Nourdin
& Giovanni Peccati
pages 473-500
Large deviations for
the largest eigenvalue of an
Hermitian Brownian motion
C. Donati-Martin & M. Maïda
pages 501-530
Weak weak quenched limits
for the path-valued processes of
hitting times and positions of a transient, one-dimensional
random walk in a random environment
Jonathon Peterson & Gennady Samorodnitsky
pages 531-569
Stochastic ranking
process with space-time dependent intensities
Tetsuya Hattori & Seiichiro Kusuoka
pages 571-607
Parametric inference
for stochastic differential
equations: a smooth and match approach
Shota Gugushvili & Peter Spreij
pages 609-635
Conditions for exchangeable
to come down from infinity
Philip Herriger & Martin Möhle
pages 637-665
Mixing times for the
interchange process
Johan Jonasson
pages 667-683
theorem and Bercovici-Pata
bijections for heavy-tailed or localized vectors
Florent Benaych-Georges & Thierry Cabanal-Duvillard
pages 685-715
Fast convergence to
an invariant measure for non-intersecting 3-dimensional Brownian paths
Gregory F. Lawler & Brigitta Vermesi
pages 717-738
Large deviations for a random speed particle
Raphaël Lefevere, Mauro Mariani & Lorenzo Zambotti
pages 739-760