Volume XIX
Quantization and martingale couplings
Benjamin Jourdain & Gilles Pagès
pages 1-22
The β-Delaunay tessellation III: Kendall’s problem and limit theorems in high dimensions
Anna Gusakova & Zakhar Kabluchko & Christoph Thäle
pages 23-50
Bound on the running maximum of a random walk with small drift
Ofer Busani & Timo Seppäläinen
pages 51-68
The expected degree distribution in transient duplication
divergence models
Andrew D. Barbour & Tiffany Y. Y. Lo
pages 69-107
The Spectra of Principal Submatrices in Rotationally Invariant Hermitian Random Matrices and the Markov– Krein Correspondence
Katsunori Fujie & Takahiro Hasebe
pages 109-123
Absorption time and absorption probabilities for a family of multidimensional gambler models
Paweł Lorek & Piotr Markowski
pages 125-150
On monotonicity and couplings of random currents and the loop-O(1)-model
Frederik Ravn Klausen
pages 151-161
Spine decomposition and L log L criterion for superpro- cesses with non-local branching mechanisms
Yan-Xia Ren & Renming Song & Ting Yang
pages 163–208
Comparing the inversion statistic for distribution-biased and distribution-shifted permutations with the geometric and the GEM distributions
Ross G. Pinsky
pages 209–229
Critical window for the vacant set left by random walk on the configuration model
Jiří Černý & Thomas Hayder
pages 231–257
Growing random graphs with a preferential attachment structure
Delphin Sénizergues
pages 259–309
Extinction probabilities in branching processes with count-
ably many types: a general framework
Daniela Bertacchi & Peter Braunsteins & Sophie Hautphenne & Fabio Zucca
pages 311–338
Second Order Expansions for Sample Median with Ran-
dom Sample Size
Gerd Christoph & Vladimir V. Ulyanov & Vladimir E. Bening
pages 339–365
Some toy models of self-organized criticality in percolation
Raphaël Cerf & Nicolas Forien
pages 367–416
Probability of consensus in spatial opinion models with
confidence threshold
Mela Hardin & Nicolas Lanchier
pages 417–437
Large Deviation Principle for the Greedy
Exploration Algorithm over Erdös-Rényi Graphs
Paola Bermolen & Valeria Goicoechea & Matthieu Jonckheere & Ernesto Mordecki
pages 439–456
Diffusive bounds for the critical density of activated ran-
dom walks
Amine Asselah & Leonardo T. Rolla & Bruno Schapira
pages 457–465
A Markov process for an infinite age-structured population
Dominika Jasińska & Yuri Kozitsky
pages 467–492
Cutpoints of non-homogeneous random walks
Chak Hei Lo & Mikhail V. Menshikov & Andrew R. Wade
pages 493–510
Cutoff for the Fredrickson-Andersen one spin facilitated
Anatole Ertul
pages 511–536
Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising models on
Erdős-Rényi random graphs – the regimes of low temper-
ature and external magnetic field
Zakhar Kabluchko & Matthias Löwe & Kristina Schubert
pages 537–563
The Loewner difference equation and convergence of
loop-erased random walk
Gregory F. Lawler & Fredrik Viklund
pages 565–598
Fractionally Integrated Moving Average Stable Processes
With Long-Range Dependence
G. L. Feltes & S. R. C. Lopes
pages 599–615
Moderate deviation principles for bifurcating Markov chains:
case of functions dependent of one variable
S. Valère Bitseki Penda & Gorgui Gackou
pages 617–640
Scaling limits for the block counting process and the fixa-
tion line for a class of Λ-coalescents
Martin Möhle & Benedict Vetter
pages 641–664
The fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on
random split trees
Gabriel Berzunza Ojeda & Xing Shi Cai & Cecilia Holmgren
pages 665–700
Lyapunov exponent for products of random Ising transfer
matrices: the balanced disorder case
Giambattista Giacomin & Rafael L. Greenblatt
pages 701–728
On the chemical distance exponent for the two-sided level
set of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field
Yifan Gao & Fuxi Zhang
pages 729–753
Covering a compact space by fixed-radius or growing ran-
dom balls
David J. Aldous
pages 755–767
Asymptotics of k dimensional spherical integrals and
Alice Guionnet & Jonathan Husson
pages 769–797
Factorization and discrete-time representation of multi-
variate CARMA processes
Vicky Fasen-Hartmann & Markus Scholz
pages 799–812
Quasi-Limiting Behavior of Drifted Brownian Motion
Iddo Ben-Ari & SangJoon Lee
pages 813–838
Depth of vertices with high degree in random recursive
Laura Eslava
pages 839–857
Refined Large Deviation Principle for Branching Brownian
Motion Conditioned to Have a Low Maximum
Yanjia Bai & Lisa Hartung
pages 859–880
The Itô-Tanaka Trick : a non-semimartingale approach
Laure Coutin & Romain Duboscq & Anthony Réveillac
pages 881–924
A de Finetti-type representation of joint hierarchically exchange-
able arrays on DAGs
Jiho Lee
pages 925–942
Complete convergence theorem for a two-level contact pro-
Ruibo Ma
pages 943–955
Asymptotic behaviour of the lattice Green function
Emmanuel Michta & Gordon Slade
pages 957–981
Convex minorants and the fluctuation theory of Lévy pro-
Jorge Ignacio González Cázares & Aleksandar Mijatović
pages 983–999
Functional central limit theorem for tagged particle
dynamics in stochastic ranking process with space-time
dependent intensities
Yukio Nagahata
pages 1001–1024
Truncation of long-range percolation models with square
non-summable interactions
Alberto M. Campos & Bernardo N. B. de Lima
pages 1025–1033
Forests on wired regular trees
Gourab Ray & Ben Xiao
pages 1035–1043
Maximum likelihood estimation for discrete exponen-
tial families and random graphs
Krzysztof Bogdan & Michał Bosy & Tomasz Skalski
pages 1045–1070
Decay of harmonic functions for discrete time Feynman–
Kac operators with confining potentials
Wojciech Cygan & Kamil Kaleta & Mateusz Śliwiński
pages 1071–1101
On the local limit theorems for lower psi-mixing Markov
Florence Merlevède & Magda Peligrad & Costel Peligrad
pages 1103–1121
Fasciculo 2
Absorbing-state phase transition and activated random
walks with unbounded capacities
Leandro Chiarini & Alexandre Stauffer
pages 1123–1131
Long-time asymptotic behaviour of the value function in
nonlinear stopping problems
Tomasz Klimsiak & Andrzej Rozkosz
pages 1133–1160
Exponentially slow mixing and hitting times of rare events
for a reaction–diffusion model
Kenkichi Tsunoda
pages 1161–1184
Continuity problem for singular BSDE with random ter-
minal time
Sharoy Augustine Samuel & Alexandre Popier & Ali Devin Sezer
pages 1185–1220
Spread of Infection over P.A. random graphs with edge
Caio Alves & Rodrigo Ribeiro
pages 1221–1239
Coagulation dynamics under environmental noise:
Scaling limit to SPDE
Franco Flandoli & Ruojun Huang
pages 1241–1292
The Malliavin-Stein method for Hawkes functionals
Caroline Hillairet & Lorick Huang & Mahmoud Khabou & Anthony Réveillac
pages 1293–1328
Markov limits of steady states of the KPZ equation on an
Włodek Bryc & Alexey Kuznetsov
pages 1329–1351
An algorithm to solve optimal stopping problems for one-
dimensional diffusions
Fabián Crocce & Ernesto Mordecki
pages 1353–1375
The Matsumoto-Yor property in free probability via sub-
ordination and Boolean cumulants
Marcin Świeca
pages 1377–1399
Asymptotics for Kendall’s renewal function
Meitner Cadena & Barbara H. Jasiulis-Gołdyn & Edward Omey
pages 1401–1420
Extreme values of critical and subcritical branching stable
processes with positive jumps
Christophe Profeta
pages 1421–1433
The exploration process of critical Boltzmann planar maps
decorated by a triangular O(n) loop model
Aleksandra Korzhenkova
pages 1435–1470
Slow, ordinary and rapid points for Gaussian Wavelets
Series and application to Fractional Brownian Motions
Céline Esser & Laurent Loosveldt
pages 1471–1495
Dynamical large deviations for the boundary driven
symmetric exclusion process with Robin boundary con-
Tertuliano Franco & Patricia Gonçalves & Claudio Landim & Adriana Neumann
pages 1497–1546
Undirected Polymers in Random Environment:
path properties in the mean field limit.
Nicola Kistler & Adrien Schertzer
pages 1547–1628
The non-linear supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model
on a complete graph with hierarchical interactions
Margherita Disertori & Franz Merkl & Silke W.W. Rolles
pages 1629–1648
Some characterizations for Markov processes at first pas-
Matija Vidmar
pages 1649–1678
The GHS and other correlation inequalities for the two-
star model
Alessandra Bianchi & Francesca Collet & Elena Magnanini
pages 1679–1695
Costly defense traits in structured populations
Martin Hutzenthaler & Felix Jordan & Dirk Metzler
pages 1697–1752
A note on the Rényi criterion for Poisson processes and
their identification
Gusztáv Morvai & Benjamin Weiss
pages 1753–1765
Approximation on slabs and uniqueness for Bernoulli
percolation with a sublattice of defects
Bernardo N. B. de Lima & Sébastien Martineau & Humberto C. Sanna & Daniel
pages 1767–1797
Strong laws of large numbers for a growth-fragmentation
process with bounded cell sizes
Emma Horton & Alexander R. Watson
pages 1799–1826
On Papathanasiou’s covariance expansions
Marie Ernst & Gesine Reinert & Yvik Swan
pages 1827–1849